Our European partner: European
Service Network for Mathematics in Industry and Innovation
Members of our industrial mathematics network are found in all parts of Austria.
Network's representative on the EU-MATHS-IN Council: Prof. Ronny Ramlau.
Applied Mathematics, University of Innsbruck
- University of Innsbruck
- Applied Mathematics
- Technikerstr. 19a
- 6020 Innsbruck
- Austria
- inverse problems
- computerized tomography
- photoacoustic imaging
- signal and image processing
- learning theory
Computational Science Center, University of Vienna
- University of Vienna
- Computational Science Center
- Oskar Morgenstern-Platz 1
- 1090 Wien
- Austria
- photoacoustic imaging
- geometry and simulation
- visual attention
Industrial Mathematics Institute, JKU Linz
- Johannes Kepler University Linz
- Industrial Mathematics Institute
- Altenberger Str. 69
- 4040 Linz
- Austria
- inverse problems
- mathematical algorithms for adaptive optics
- regularization theory
- signal and image processing
- medical imaging
- shape optimization
Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology
- Technische Universität Wien
- Institut für Analysis und Scientific Computing
- Wiedner Hauptstr. 8
- 1040 Wien
- Austria
- modelling and numerical simulation of quantum semiconductors
- quantum-kinetic equations
- open quantum systems (analysis, numerical methods)
- absorbing and transparent boundary conditions (derivation, discretizations)
- one-way wave propagation models in (underwater-) acoustics (numerical methods)
- large-time behavior of parabolic and kinetic equations
- logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
construction and analysis of mathematical models for complex scientific,
technological, biological and economical processes and phenomena (e.g. in
fluid dynamics, mechanics of solids, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics,
semiconductor devices, and physiology)
- development and analysis of efficient algorithms
- numerical simulations, development of efficient computer codes
- mathematical analysis (in particular for PDEs)
Institute of Computational Mathematics, Graz University of Technology
- Technische Universität Graz
- Institut für Numerische Mathematik
- Steyrergasse 30
- 8010 Graz
- Austria
- Numerical analysis of partial differential equations
- Finite element and boundary element methods
- Domain decomposition methods and parallelization
- optimal control and shape optimization problems
- eigenvalue problems for partial differential equations
- industrial and engineering applications
Institute of Numerical Mathematics, JKU Linz
- Johannes Kepler University Linz
- Institute of Numerical Mathematics
- Altenberger Str. 69
- 4040 Linz
- Austria
- numerical methods for PDEs (FEM, BEM, IGA)
- computational mechanics
- computational electrodynamics
- (parallel) scientific computing
- fast solvers (multigrid and domain decomposition methods)
- optimization methods
- topology and shape optimization
Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz
- University of Graz
- Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- Heinrichstr. 36
- 8010 Graz
- Austria
- optimal control of partial differential equations
- nonsmooth optimization in function spaces
- applications of optimization and control in the life sciences
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
- Johann Radon Institut
- Altenberger Str. 69
- 4040 Linz
- Austria
- direct field problems
- inverse problems
- symbolic computation
- analysis of PDEs
- optimization and control
- mathematical methods in molecurlar and systems biology
MathConsult GmbH
- MathConsult GmbH
- Altenberger Str. 69
- 4040 Linz
- Austria
- Computational finance
- Image processing
- Numerical simulation
- inverse problems
University of Klagenfurt
- inverse problems
- regularization methods
- parameter identification in partial differential equations
- optimization with PDE constraints
- direct and inverse probleme in piezolectricitity and magnetics
- nonlinear acoustics
- qualitative theory of (nonautonomous) dynamical systems
- analytical discretization theory
- nonlinear analysis
- efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography
- fuzzy extractors for physically unclonable functions
- semidefinite optimization
- nonlinear relaxations of graph optimization problems
- algorithms for conic optimization
- bundle methods for nonsmooth optimization
- exact solutions of NP-hard graph problems
Optimal design of industrial and computer experiments
- Spatio-temporal data analysis
- Environmental network design
- Bayesian computational statistics
- Statistical reliability analysis in semiconductor manufacturing
- Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- Universitätsstr. 65-67
- 9020 Klagenfurt
- Austria